Monday, February 20, 2012

Tool #11

Although I already use a number of the tools presented, I am excited about incorporating WallWisher, CoverItLive, and VuVox into my curriculum. All three have first test will be with VuVox. On Monday, my Career Preparation students will begin a project on 'job health and safety standards'. They will use VoVox to design an instructional video that will teach employees how to recognize hazards and prevent workplace injuries...should be interesting!

My vision for my classroom is one that always has room for change and to incorporate as much Web2.0 as possible. The more I can expose students to these ever-changing digital tools, the more I have an opportunity to influence them to become life-long learners.

I have already made a number of changes in my classroom to accommodate the 21st Century learner. My computer lab is configured into pods, which is conducive for teaming. I am able to monitor students through both my physical presence (MBWA-management by walking around) and through Vision (a terrific software that gives me an enormous amount of control in my lab).

My only regret through all of this is that I will not have access to the new technology coming onto our campus...perhaps one day soon?


  1. Congratulations on completing your 11 Tools journey. I know that much of the presented resources are things that you already use or have similar experience with. Thank you for your positive attitude as you worked through the tasks.

  2. Congrats on completing your 11 tools blog.
